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June 2024 Public Input Synopsis
Is Now Available 

Bernalillo County held its third public meeting on June 20, 2024, where the project team presented the draft Preferred Alternative for Phase Three, located along Bridge Boulevard between Lura Place and Young Avenue.


The project team has carefully reviewed and documented all public comments received during the third open comment period from June 20 through July 22, 2024. Below, we added the Public Input Synopsis to share the full report of all public comments and the public outreach leading up to the public meeting.  

Public Input Synopsis

La Sinopsis de las Aportaciones Públicas de Junio de 2024 ya está Disponible

El equipo del proyecto revisó y documentó cuidadosamente todos los comentarios públicos recibidos durante el tercer período de comentarios abiertos del 20 de junio al 22 de julio de 2024. A continuación, agregamos la sinopsis de aportes públicos para compartir el informe completo de todos los comentarios públicos y la divulgación pública previa a la reunión pública. 


Para obtener información sobre el sinopsis de aportes públicos en español, llame a la línea directa del equipo del proyecto al 505-477-4001. 

Public Meeting Materials

View the materials that were shared at the public meeting.

Screening matrix vertical2.png

Screening Matrix

Click on image to view diagram in detail.

Screening matrix vertical.png

To ensure a transparent and objective decision-making process, we utilized a comprehensive screening matrix to evaluate each proposed alternative against the defined Purpose and Need of the project.  The goal of the project team is to provide “transportation system improvements to Bridge Boulevard to maintain acceptable traffic flow, increase public safety, and enhance mobility for all users in the corridor. The transportation system and mobility improvements would support sustainable development as identified in the Bridge Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan.” The screening matrix considered various criteria, including:


  • Traffic-related mobility improvements

  • Traffic-related system connectivity improvements

  • Roadway improvements – all modes

  • Safety enhancements – all modes

  • Access management

  • Corridor redevelopment plan livability goals​


Each alternative was scored based on these criteria, with input from stakeholders, experts, and community members. The Draft Preferred Alternative C emerged as the preferred option due to its superior performance across all categories, particularly in enhancing safety and community benefits.

Draft Preferred Alternative C

Bridging Los Vecinos_Alt C_Mobile.png
Bridging Los Vecinos_Alt C_Desktop.png

This alternative has been developed to meet the project’s objectives while considering the diverse needs and priorities of our community.  It best meets the Purpose and Need of the project by providing the necessary corridor enhancement such as ADA improvements, bike lanes, redevelopment opportunities, and consistency developed in previous project phases.

Para obtener información en español, llame al 505-477-4001 o envíenos un correo electrónico a

NM Los Vecinos_Map_Phase 3 Horizontal.png


HOTLINE: 505-477-4001

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